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ZION ASSEMBLY Church of God (ZACOG) has been in existence since April 2004.  However, our roots stretch back to the late 1800’s and the principles around which we exist stretch back to New Testament times. 

We believe Jesus organized one church and that modern denominationalism is the result of man’s carnality (1 Cor. 3:3) and is not the product of Divine Design.  We don’t believe this maze of denominational confusion is the answer to Jesus’ prayer for unity found in John 17:21 (“…that they may be one as we are one…”). 

We believe the church was designed to be corporate and visible, united in doctrine and holding each other accountable to “walk as Jesus walked.”  We believe this can only happen in a corporate, visible environment.   

In the late 1800’s a group of people in eastern Tennessee recognized this fact and founded a local congregation called the “Christian Union.”  They organized around the concept of “the church” with love as the guiding principle for bringing about personal holiness and Christian unity.  They grew rapidly but unfortunately as time went on their descendants lost their original concept of the church through distortions and misunderstandings.

In early 2004 a group of people met in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee determined to rediscover the true concept of the church.  They set about to remove the misinterpretations of the past and to re-establish the original, Biblical foundations of the church.  These few re-organized under the name ZION ASSEMBLY Church of God and set about to restore the Church as Jesus conceived and ordained it before His ascension into Heaven, a church which is a visible, corporate, united body.    

In ZION ASSEMBLY we believe the church is to be Christ’s physical representation on the earth or the “Body of Christ.”  We all have different gifts and functions but we all work together to fulfill Christ’s purpose. 

We believe in Christian unity but not a unity based upon ignoring differences in doctrine.  In fact, we believe some of these doctrinal differences have become so severe Christian fellowship is impossible with those who hold certain views.  Instead we believe in a doctrinal unity based upon surrendering traditions and denominational loyalties to follow the Spirit of God into all truth. 


In ZION ASSEMBLY, we meet together annually as a group to search the scriptures.  All of our members are invited to attend and participate as we seek to understand God’s Word.  When we believe we have found God’s will, these teachings are distributed to our congregations around the world with the belief we have found what “seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us” (Acts 15:28). In ZION ASSEMBLY you won’t find congregations with varying interpretations of scripture.  We believe the church Jesus established must “walk by the same rule and mind the same thing” (Phil. 3:16). 

Our teachings are based upon the conviction that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. 

We believe in the basic Christian doctrine of “Salvation by the grace of God, through faith". 


We believe in the standard of personal holiness through the Sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and provided for in the blood of Jesus Christ.  This personal holiness is expressed in loving God with our whole hearts and our neighbor as ourselves.  Such love is displayed by “abhorring evil and cleaving to that which is good” (Rom. 12:9) and thus we believe we should “live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.” (Titus 2:12)  (Holiness in nature)  

We are a Pentecostal church in the sense that we believe in the Baptism in/with the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of this, being, speaking in tongues, as the Spirit gives utterance.  The Holy Spirit then works in and through each Spirit-filled person, producing fruit and manifesting spiritual gifts as the Spirit of God wills. (Pentecostal in nature) 

We practice certain sacraments such as Water Baptism by immersion (As a public profession of one’s identification with Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection), Washing of the Saint’s feet (As a reminder to keep a servant’s mindset and  because Christ commanded it), and giving and receiving Communion (As a reminder of the Lord’s sacrifice for our sins). 

We also teach certain Biblical teachings and principles not so common today, but commonly taught in the New Testament.  For example, we believe Jesus teaches that “Marriage is for Life”; He commands married partners to stay together if neither one of them is divorced. Thus, we don’t accept divorce’s power to dissolve a marriage; therefore to remarry after divorce constitutes “Adultery” (See Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18).


We believe scripture teaches that it is possible to experience the new birth and later fall away and be lost (2 Peter 2:20-22; James 5:19-20); that we must "endure unto the end to be (finally) saved" (Matthew 24:13) (italics mine).


We believe scripture teaches us that character is more important than physical appearance.  Practically, we have agreed together to discourage a preoccupation with outward adornment, while encouraging our members to focus on adorning their lives with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc).  

Yes, it may seem different, but we believe it is time for Christians to stand up and be different.  We challenge people to march to the beat of a different drum. Basically, we believe in walking as Jesus walked and living focused on the world to come.

This isn’t a complete listing of our beliefs, after all, we believe in the whole Bible with the New Testament as our only rule of faith, practice, government, and discipline.  This isn’t even a full listing of our “Doctrinal Distinctives.”  For a more complete listing, you can read our “Abstract of Faith” located as a sub-page just following this page. 


We don’t claim a dogmatic exclusivity, but we do believe God has raised our spirits to build Him a house, and we believe there are many brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, whose spirits, God is stirring up, as well.  We’ve met some of them already (Over 30 nations in 10 years) and we are convinced there are others who feel the same way. 

This restoration project is an ongoing process, and we don’t claim to be perfect (flawless in every detail...), but we believe God is building His church exactly as He intended it to be built, and we are determined to be right in the middle of it.  We desire to be “labourers together with God” in this building project.  We invite Christians everywhere to join with us in this effort to re-establish Christian unity, doctrinal integrity, and accountability.  ZION ASSEMBLY Church of God in Visalia, CA invites you to join with us in building God's house. Contact us here in Visalia, CA today. Amen, Hallelujah, and Praise the Lord!



Membership in Zion Assembly Church of God is  open to all believ-

ers whose testimony is evidenced by the fruit of the new birth,

and who are willing to covenant themselves together with Christ

and the church to walk in the light of the gospel. Candidates be-

come members by the following solemn obligation:


"Will you sincerely promise in the presence of God and 

these witnesses, that you will accept this Bible as the Word of 

God, believe and practice its teachings rightly divided, with the 

New Testament as your rule of faith and practice, government

and discipline, and agree to walk together as one body in the light 

of the gospel to the best of your knowledge and ability?"


In response to this covenant formula, the candidate answers:

"I will by the grace of God."


The minister then lays hands on the new member and offers

prayer for divine guidance and strength; the congregation

follows with an affectionate welcome, and extends to him/her

the right hand of fellowship.




Please read our Abstract of Faith sub-page to further understand what we believe. We believe in the Bible- 

God's Holy Word and this is how we interpret it. Feel free to contact me and comment. God bless you.    -Brother Art

Brother Art and Sister Sally, along with mama, enjoying the goodness of the Lord...

zion assembly church of god  zion assembly church of god in visalia, ca

Art and Sally Jo

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